abject- word for the day

Word of the Day for Saturday, July 16, 2011

abject \ab-JEKT\, adjective:

1. Utterly hopeless, miserable, humiliating, or wretched.
2. Contemptible; despicable.

It was as though some part of him obscurely desired to accept defeat and misery, were anxious to make abjection yet more abject.
-- Aldous Huxley, Point counter point

Abject translates to the Latin equivalent of "thrown down."

Abject is such a harsh word as defined by number 1.  When you throw in utterly hopeless, that is the last straw.  When hope is removed from the human equation, it is as if the very next breath has been sucked out and there is no more oxygen to breathe. Life is very short without oxygen (hope). Cling to hope for all you are worth.  Lash yourself to it with chains and locks. Love, hope and humor the natural healers for pain of soul.

For my blog followers and subscribers- (1) Thank you (2) I will be moving the blog to it’s own site using the Wordpress platform.  My hope and big plan is to have a forum with threads for boomers to shout, cry, rant, support one another, offer encouragement and whatever is legal and morally ethical.  I will also be exploring live chat for the site.  To have lots of links to sites that are for and about boomers.  Things that our generation have an interest or need for.  The move is painfully slow as I am having to read and learn how to manipulate Wordpress to get what I want in it. If you have any suggestions, or geek knowledge on Wordpress please drop me a note: adrift59@gmail.com 

Another day floating on my iceberg. See you in cyber space friends


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