Assay- word for the day

assay \a-SEY\, verb:

One definition is to examine or analyze.
Many years ago I purchased a book “The Must Words”.  It is only 243 pages, but packed with words to help enrich your vocabulary.  Along with being a bibliophile, I like to think of myself as an amateur wordologist.  Defined as, one who has the necessary expertise and experience to compile a combination of appropriate words in order to convey a selling message succinctly and accurately. That is the history of why I do word for the day.  So today I am inspired by assay.

I have been trying for several months now to assay my situation.  Two things keep hindering me from rendering a qualitative assessment.  1. The facts and figures get changed on a regular basis. 2. My feelings, thoughts, assumptions of the facts change just about as rapidly as the facts and figures.  Sooooo, metaphorically speaking, I am standing on the side of a six lane freeway, trying to count cars.

I’m dizzy just from thinking about it. 

As I do my “Star Ship Enterprise” and explore new worlds and uncharted territory, I have stumbled upon an interesting blog/writer as of yesterday:  I find his approach to life refreshing, entertaining and worthy of exploring.  He may just change my attitude, without my having to change my latitude.  Check him out, at the above blog link.   Tell me what you think of his theory on how to enjoy life.  Email me your thoughts at

Just another day floating on my iceberg; see you in cyberspace, friends.


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