Normal has never changed the world

Life is filled with paradoxes.  Great accomplishments and not so great, are achieved when someone is willing to swim up the Norm Stream.  Humanity, society, clans and tribes (including gangs) impose a standard that is to be accepted as the norm or you are ostracized.  As we know, any society or group need rules of conduct for them to function in a way as to benefit the group as a whole. Doing the excepted norm is indoctrinated into each generation.  The down side of this, taken to extreme, it snuffs out the individual.  The individual becomes less and less able to have an independent thought.  Thinking about how something could be different or acting in a unique way is not rewarded.  That is until, there comes one brave enough, secure enough in their id/ego that they suffocate under the constraints of norm.  This one, thinks in what if?  This is when new concepts find fertile ground and begin to grow. Some look at ways to change the rules of the tribe, others look at ways to improve upon tasks. Then as a normal group, when we open our eyes and see that this different one has produced a better way or better method, we embrace them as being superior. 

Thank God for those that are different.  I find them intriguing, interesting and anything but boring. The mind is a wonderful playground that can take us to a lot of different places, just make sure you do the steering, because left on it’s own, it can go down some pretty dark allies.

Just another day floating on my iceberg.  See you in cyber space friend.


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