Please come back, my life is not the same without you

Discipline, the day after I lost my last job you walked out, and I have not seen you since. 

At first I really didn’t care, I was too busy feeling sorry for myself and by you leaving I could do as I damn well pleased.  I found comfort and solace in things that I knew were not good for me.  At the time, indulgence just felt too good and you were not there to stop me.  Enough time has passed that this indulgence has become a bad habit.  I am beginning to see it for what it is, destructive.  Nothing good will come of it. 

I see these things for what they are, but without you here to intervene, I continue to indulge.  I see now that I need you in my life.  Yes, I admit it, I need you.  Discipline, you keep me sane, productive and even though you can be a pain in the ass, I feel better when you are in my life. 

You have left me before in the past, but you have always come back.  But, this time I am beginning to worry you might not and it is getting a little bit scary.  I implore you Discipline, please come back soon, I really do miss you and want you to be a big part of my life.   Love ya, miss ya


  1. This is so good on so many levels. Yes. Discipline. I loved reading this.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Linda Della Donna

  2. I had this problem recently. My brother asked me why I wasn't doing my writing and I said, I lacked the discipline to get it done.
    I have finally started to conquer that blasted thing. This is week two of being productive. I began to add writing to my morning schedule. I agree bad habits are hard to quit and good ones hard to start. But, I would just like to encourage you. Start doing one thing today that you know you need discipline to do. Each day try. You may have off days. It takes about 21 days to develop a new habit. I am cheering you on!!!!

  3. I’ve never thought of personifying discipline, but now that you’ve done it here, it sounds like a good idea.

  4. In some areas of my life, I still have discipline. In diet and health, I am struggling to get it back. Thanks for sharing this post. I Tweeted it and put it on my Facebook page to introduce your blog to my readers.


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