The Rorschach test

Needless to say, I like an awful lot of people had been very intently watching the Casey Anthony trial.  No, I was not looking for her to get the death penalty, I have mixed feelings on that subject, and I will not go into that here.  But as in the O.J. Simpson case, I am stunned.  That jury was so well controlled as to who was on it and what they got to see as evidence.  You know if you and I are standing on a sidewalk, you on one side, I on the opposite side and we both witness a hit and run, we each will see it differently.  Our description will vary due to our own experience filter.  The Rorschach Test:  What do you see in this ink blot?  You will see one thing, I another, each filtering our perception of reality through our own experiences.  

Another day in Paradise, looking for my cheese. 


  1. I was really stunned by the verdict! The only thing that I can say is that she has her concious to live with and her judgement will be done by a Higher authority!

    Nelieta travel blog

  2. I haven't followed this story completely - just in the last few days and I do find it shocking!
    Good luck with your blog!

  3. I saw an interview with Juror #3. She was well-spoken. I recommend watching it. Basically she said the prosecution didn't prove it's case beyond a reasonable doubt. Especially since they were asking for the death penalty. And a responsible jury can't make such a huge decision based on feelings and supposition. The whole thing is so sad. But I have to believe that justice will be served eventually. Whether it's on Earth or in the after life. I can't believe such a heinous crime can go unpunished.

  4. What puzzles me- is they did not even find her negligent of the child. 31 days of not reporting your child missing. I heard there is a petition going for a new law, called Caylee's law- that holds a parent responsible to report a child missing in a timely manner. I want to find out where that is and sign on.


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