Baby Boomer retirement is in constant change

Also I have added a newspaper compilation to of who I follow on Twitter "The Snarky Boomer Express".  Look for a page in menu of Boomer helpful links. These are sites on the net that address baby boomer interests. Adding more as I come across good ones.  Trying to make it easier to navigate through the blog posts by having similar post links after each new post. If you use Firefox, IE, Safari (not Chrome) you are able to highlight words or phrases that will search the net for more info in a pop up window while you stay on the blog.  Helps you to learn more. Say you want to know more about Betty Friedan, you highlight her name and information about her will come up.  Also have a contact me form now up in menu.

Thanks for following my blog and just because I went to my own domain, you know you are just as welcome on boomersberg as here (really more so) as I make my investment of time and energy at


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