Betty Friedan Vs. Warren Jeffs

Betty Friedan, Legacy-In 1966, Friedan founded and was elected the first president of the National Organization for Women, which aimed to bring women "into the mainstream of American society now [in] fully equal partnership with men".

Warren Jeffs, Legacy

  • In 2003, author Jon Krakauer published Under the Banner of Heaven, a nonfiction book that explores some of the history of both the LDS church and its spin-off sects, focusing largely on the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The book describes illegal activity in the (Fundamentalist) Church, mainly polygyny, statutory rape, murder, and rape.
  • Escape by Carolyn Jessop with Laura Palmer is a personal account of the deterioration of human rights (especially women's and children's rights) and institutionalized abuse in the FLDS organization under Warren Jeffs' leadership.
  • Stolen Innocence by Elissa Wall with Lisa Pulitzer is an autobiography about a girl inside the FLDS church and her experiences in the community and her escape as well as her accounts in the Warren Jeffs trial.

I will leave it for you to explore these two polar opposites as to what they espoused to believe and their far reaching influence on others, whether to the good or the bad. 

I personally ponder over these people and their extreme position of how they believed (believe)  that women should function within our society.  Does any good thing ever come from an extremist?  I strongly believe Sarcastic smile that extremism is a dangerous place to be. Anything that takes on the tone of fanatical spooks me.  Far to many cults, religions and groups have picked up under the banner of some fanatical leadership, to their own detriment and others. 

Myself? I fly under the banner of apathy, who gives a #@!*?  Some of us took the game “follow the leader” as a child, way to serious. The world at large has gone mad, MAD, you hear me, MAD!!!  It tires me out to deal with most of what passes out here as intelligent lifeAlien

Just another day floating on my iceberg.  See you in cyber space friend.


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