Discouraged workers- not in the unemployment stats

USA today discouraged workers

Quote from article: It's a product of something the government calls "discouraged workers," or those who were unemployed but not out looking for work during the reporting period. 

Word for the Day-Week- Month- Next two years- Discouraged- Merriam Webster online definition-: to deprive of courage or confidence : dishearten <was discouraged by repeated failure>

Another dirty little secret that is a part of the jobless stats is ageism.  As the numbers continue to stay high, those that are hiring, get to pick from the best of the best.  Like grading a young bull, the owner looks at the characteristics of the bull to determine whether he will remain a bull (get the job) or become a steer (stay unemployed).

For those of us not blessed with the “optimism gene”, the current daily dose of bad news makes for extra effort to smile and put one foot in front of the other. I take extra b12 just so I will have energy enough to think positive. Tomorrow is another day, Ms. Scarlet. I think I will go pull up that turnip root that is still in the garden and eat it for super. The south had to recover from (did we ever?) Sherman’s march. Now, the current state of our economy is setting fire to businesses, one by one.

Just another day floating on my iceberg.  See you in cyber space friend. Head on over to the new and improved version at http://boomersberg.com


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