Intelligence Lost: The Boomers Are Exiting

Intelligence Lost: The Boomers Are Exiting - BusinessWeek.

The author goes on to give eight steps to ensure that boomer retirement doesn't leave a knowledge vacuum

On the top of my resume' was a quote "Experience that works".  Alas, living in a small town and the current job market only served to fuel my frustration.  That’s another blog already covered 

Boomers are retiring. Years of hard data and soft know-how  is preparing to leave your organization. Are you prepared to avoid the vacuum? – stated in article

In my humble opinion (uuhhmm, clearing of throat) the vast majority of boomers have been devalued by the younger generation for the most part.  The soft know-how mentioned above is something that is either intuitive or takes years of practice.  I understand that computers, data, technical knowledge is fueling the future, I use and appreciate the advances made.  The things we do not learn from previous generations are mistakes we make in the future and some of those mistakes are very costly.

Unlike Asian culture, where each generation is taught to respect and value the wisdom of the elder, American culture seems all to quick to pitch aside anything that does not move at the speed of light.  Sad, sad that a LOT more than meets the eye is being lost in the current fast paced American culture.

Just another day floating on my iceberg.  See you in cyber space friend.


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